Educational Video Production

When you need people to watch and learn, an educational video, or video series, can make an impact

What is educational video content and why use it?

Educational video content is useful, informative, share-worthy content that helps position you and your company as an expert or thought leader in your field.  It could be a behind the scenes look into how your product is made, an animated infographic, or a video about current trends in your industry.  You might also consider turning your most popular blog posts and most frequently asked questions into educational video content.  If it’s something your audience would benefit from knowing, it would make a good candidate for a video.

Any industry can be ripe for creating educational video content. All it takes is a little expertise, like knowing how airplane Wifi works, or a trending topic, like how to prepare healthy lunches. Educational content is also a good way to widen your funnel and move up in search rankings for hot topics.

What are some characteristics of a great educational video production?

  • Useful and informative
  • Clear messaging
  • Simple, easy-to-follow teaching points
  • Engaging on-screen talent or characters
  • 1-2 minutes in length

Looking for video examples in the education industry?

Teaching the teachers. Training the trainer. Professoring…the professor. Okay, the last phrase doesn’t really work but Demo Duck has worked on a large number of education video productions and we know that creating content for educators involves a whole different approach. Check out some of our work at the link below!

When and how should I use educational video content?

Educational videos should be used at the top of the funnel to generate awareness and build trust. They are not meant to sell a product or service. They’re most successful as an engagement tool on social media or strategically placed on your blog as part of your content marketing efforts.

The Demo Duck team was able to take complex subject matter (agile web development) and turn it into clear, concise educational video content.

Aurimas Adomavicius, DevBridge Group

How does Demo Duck create a concept for educational video content?

If you already have the subject matter figured out, great. Demo Duck will take whatever the content is and figure out the best framework for teaching it. This often means interacting with the experts on your team and working together to define a clear message with an engaging story.

A concept could be an animated talking narwhal educating viewers about climate change or one of your engineers talking about how satellites work. If you don’t know exactly what you should teach your audience, but you know a general category, we’ll pitch you a few of our ideas. The possibilities are endless.

A good explainer video concept needs to balance creative and strategy. The creative is required to engage the viewer and give them a reason to care about watching your video. The strategy is required to ensure you deliver a message that resonates with your viewers and motivates them to take the desired action.

Some more educational videos to watch, listen & learn:

How do you measure success for educational video content?

Measuring success for educational video content is best uncovered by looking at engagement numbers like views, likes, shares, and traffic sent to your website or blog. Ultimately, your goal is provide really useful content that builds trust.

How much does educational video content cost?

Depending on the length, style and complexity, most of the higher-end educational we work on these days run in the $20,000–$25,000 range for animation, and the $35,000-50,000+ range for live action. Looking to produce a series of videos? Great! We’re always happy to discuss package pricing to bring the per video cost down. You’ll likely find that prices vary greatly from company to company, so take your time, do your homework, and find a team that fits your brand and can deliver on budget, timeline, and quality.

How long does educational video content take to create?

When crafting an education video production usually takes 10-12 weeks. However, the per video timeline can decrease dramatically when producing a series of educational video content, which we typically recommend.