Animated Explainer Video
Curiosity is not a renewable resource. We worked with NAFSA to craft a compelling video to communicate the important role international students play in American innovation.
Style: 2D Animation
Length: 1:40
The Challenge
NAFSA needed a video to help convince U.S. government policymakers of the need to actively pursue—and welcome—international students. This topic is more important than ever, with many sensitivities and perspectives to consider. The video needed to accomplish its goal with also being accessible to a variety of audiences.
The Solution
We focused on a truth. The values of international students aren’t “foreign.” In fact, they’re the same values our country was built on. Curiosity. Hard work. Passion. So we created a video that celebrated this connection, emphasizing how important an inquisitive spirit is to American innovation. If we all work together, we won’t be left behind. We elevated this connection visually by showing a diverse cast of animated characters, working hard in a variety of industries. Different scenes or visuals often unite on-screen, helping to communicate the sense of teamwork that was important for our video to capture.
Behind the scenes