Online Video Infographic – Facts to Tweet:
- 89 Million people in the US are going to watch 1.2 Billion videos today. <<tweet>>
- The number of people watching online videos is expected to nearly double to 1.6 Billion by 2016. <<tweet>>
- The average online viewer watched 239 videos per month. <<tweet>>
- 52% of consumers say that watching product videos make them more confident in online purchase decisions. <<tweet>>
- Only about 24% of national brands are using online video to market to customers. <<tweet>>
- 75% of biz execs watch work related videos on a business websites at least once a week. <<tweet>>
- 50% of biz execs watch business related videos on Youtube. <<tweet>>
- 65% of biz execs visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video. <<tweet>>
- 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others. <<tweet>>