So you’re sold on a video for your business, but need some help convincing upper management because they don’t want to spend the time or money on something as “frivolous” as video. Well, here at Demo Duck we wanted to help you rally the powers at be behind a new video project.
Below are some typical objections you may hear from your boss and ways to combat them. This post was specifically designed to convince your CEO you need video so feel free to use any of the attached links, stats, or the above video to help make your case!
Who cares about video?
A lot of people do! Customers, subscribers, and not to mention Google. Hit your CEO with some stats and trends that prove the value of online video.
Not sure where to start? How about the fact that website visitors are 64% more likely to make a purchase after they’ve watched a video.
Need more ammo? Here are a few more links to help you build your case.
So what if people watch? Does it really make a difference?
Why yes, it does! Toss a few case studies his way to show a video is more than just moving images. Whether it’s an increase in sales or more people signing up for a free trial, a video can help you accomplish a wide range of business goals.
Better yet, see what your competition is up to. If you can show that your competition is getting significant views, most likely your boss won’t want to be left behind.
Why would video work for us since our industry doesn’t use video?
No matter the industry or size, your company has something important to say, and a story to tell. People are more and more interested in who they are working with and video can bring life to any company.
Just look at RevZilla. They sell motorcycle parts and accessories and have nearly 50M views on YouTube and over 130K subscribers. That’s impressive engagement for a company that could have just stuck with the industries status quo and relied on paid ads or long text reviews to garner sales.
I see why video matters, but we don’t have the budget for it.
While great videos do take time and money, you can start small. Create a simple screencast, do an interview on your iPhone, or collect user generated content.
If you have the means to do so, perhaps even survey your customer base to see what impact a video would have on their relationship with you. Those results could help your CEO see that the people are yearning for some video.
What’s important is just doing something and getting a low cost win early. Once you prove the value, getting extra budget should be relatively easy.
Hopefully this post gave you that extra boost of confidence to head into that corner office and get the green light on an awesome new video for your business.
Click here to contact us about working on a video together!