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New Explainer Video: Pongo

Over the course of the presidential election, which ended last week (in case you didn’t hear), nothing seemed to be more important to voters than the economy. Finding a job is tough, fortunately Pongo helps make it a little easier. In fact, they’ve already helped 6 million people create perfectly formatted, custom resumes. Check out the explainer video we produced to learn more.

Explainer video transcript:

Creating a stand-out resume is far from a walk in the park.

You might spend hours, or even days, just figuring out what to include and how to write something that employers want to read.

Not to mention the time you spend dealing with the evils of modern technology, like word processing, formatting, and file types.

At Pongo, we’ve helped 6 million people like you create perfectly formatted, custom resumes.

The Resume Builder makes it easy to do it yourself, providing professionally designed templates, and tips along the way.

Or, you can use our Professional Services and have one of our expert writers create a resume and cover letter for you.

Our Activity Tracker will help you manage the job search process, automatically reminding you to schedule follow-ups and send out thank you notes.

You can even watch interview tips, get personalized help, and search for your dream job.

So, go out and get your suit pressed…it’s interview time.

Sign up for a free trial today!

Written by Andrew Follett
Andrew is the Founder of Demo Duck, a video production agency. He lives in Chicago, loves startups, and enjoys traveling. You can follow him on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.