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Our New Office

When I started Demo Duck 2 years ago, I was working out of my bedroom (or kitchen, couch, bathroom…wherever I wanted really). About a year later, when I hired Stephan, we moved in to a small office 30-seconds from my bedroom. It served us well (and the commute was great!) but as we continued to grow, we quickly realized that space was getting tight.

So this week, we moved in to a new space a few blocks down the road (about an 8-minute walk from my place – I’ll survive). We’re getting settled in and excited to have a little extra breathing room. We have some even bigger news to announce in a few weeks time, but until then, let us know if you’re in the area and we’d love to show you the new office!

Written by Andrew Follett
Andrew is the Founder of Demo Duck, a video production agency. He lives in Chicago, loves startups, and enjoys traveling. You can follow him on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.