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Sneak Peek: Demo Duck Stop Motion Video

Last week we spent a few days creating a stop motion video to replace the video on our homepage. We wanted something that better reflects what we do and how we work. We ended up with over a hundred individual assets, each printed and cut out by hand. Each frame of the video was captured by camera and digitized. Close to 1,000 pictures and 2 days later, we finished.

Stop Motion Sneak Peek

Now we’re in the process of adding the finishing touches, like some color, animation, music and sound effects. We’re super excited about the final video, which should be ready and on the homepage in the next week or two (along with a special, “how it’s made” video). In the meantime, here’s a 10-second sneak peek at the raw footage.

Written by Andrew Follett
Andrew is the Founder of Demo Duck, a video production agency. He lives in Chicago, loves startups, and enjoys traveling. You can follow him on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.