Blue Cross Blue Shield Signs of a Stroke
Animated Explainer Video
Style: Animation
Length: 1:22
The Challenge
The stats are humbling. Every 40 seconds someone has a stroke. It’s the leading cause of disability in the United States. And 1 in 6 people will suffer from a stoke. Blue Cross wanted to bring visibility to the topic, and specifically, to the F.A.S.T. acronym, which helps people identify the signs of a stroke.
The Solution
With such a fragile topic, we wanted to find a way to clearly convey the 4 warning signs, while connecting them to the warning signs we see and hear around us on a daily basis. We came up with the “Etch A Sketch” idea, using continuous lines to connect objects and scenes. The muted color palette connotes the seriousness of the topics, and helps the red used for the F.A.S.T. acronym to pop out.
Behind the scenes