Animated Explainer Video
Even the smallest act can have a large ripple effect. Through our partnership with Breakthrough, a community-based organization intentionally focused on Chicago’s East Garfield Park neighborhood, we aimed to show the benefit that a small donation can give to an entire community.
Style: 2D Animation
Length: 1:29
The Challenge
Breakthrough is a non-profit organization that partners with local residents of East Garfield Park to provide resources for housing, education, community safety, food access, job training, health care, and so much more. But most importantly, they opens the doors of opportunity to residents of a neighborhood that lacks many of the resources that other neighborhoods in Chicago have been afforded. Breakthrough needed to raise money to support the expansion of their offerings throughout the Garfield Park community, so they challenged us to show the effect a simple donation can have on more than just an individual–on East Garfield Park and Chicago as a whole.
The Solution
We followed the story of Joshua, a resident of East Garfield Park, to demonstrate how Breakthrough has opened pathways in his life. Vibrant landscape visuals and long, panning camera motions allowed us to illustrate Joshua’s path, how it is changed by Breakthrough, and how it connects with others within the community. By demonstrating how Breakthrough opens up pathways of opportunity for all of the residents of East Garfield Park, we showed how an investment in Breakthrough can ripple into an investment in all of Chicago.
Behind the scenes