Process Video
Style: Live Action
Length: 4:20
A live action video that gives viewers a glimpse into Twisthink's strategic and creative process.
The Challenge
Twisthink is a unique firm that blends consulting and product development, with a specialization in digital transformation. They provide bespoke strategies for innovation and growth to their clients, and wanted to video that could demonstrate that process—without giving away any proprietary information. So how could we showcase what they do in a short, engaging way?
The Solution
Inspired by hackathons in tech, sprints in product design, and a dash of the TV classic, Iron Chef, we pitched them the idea of a challenge: Can you 'Twisthink' anything? With the help of their marketing team behind the scenes, we crafted the perfect prompt that would allow a team of Twisthinkers to cram 8 weeks of process into an 8-hour work day. Meanwhile, we acted as a documentary film crew—capturing authentic moments, a bit of mayhem and peppering in some interviews to help guide the story.
Behind the scenes