Weizmann Institute of Science
Animated Explainer Video
A commitment to curiosity leads to some pretty incredible places. We created a video that showcases the paths to discovery that the Weizmann Institute of Science opens for researchers and students.
Style: 2D Animation
Length: 1:41
The Challenge
The Solution
The Weizmann Institute of Science is a world-class research organization based in Israel, and wanted to create an animated video that explains the institution’s value to potential donors. But that value is vast—in fact, researchers at the institute make game-changing discoveries across six different branches of science.
We created an animated explainer video that shows how the Weizmann Institute opens new doors and paths for people—both literally and figuratively. Playing off the institute’s hexagonal logo, we used geometric shapes to create doors, rooms, pathways, creative transitions and more. Their multicolored prism visual became a larger storytelling device, showing how these different branches of research and knowledge unite to become something truly exceptional.
I really appreciated how you all spent time getting to know our tone and style BEFORE diving into the concepting and story-boarding work. It meant that you gave us three really strong, thoughtful options to consider. Often I find we have to give a lot of additional guidance on the first round deliverables when working with new partners, but with you all that wasn’t the case.
- David Keeling, EdNavigator
Behind the scenes