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How Much Does A Live Explainer Video Cost?

As business relationships continue to move to the Internet, finding new and creative ways to connect with your customers is vital. That’s partly why live explainer videos are all the rage these days (think Dollar Shave Club or Airbnb). While animated videos are great, and they serve their purpose, live explainer videos are perfect for people-oriented companies…

Business Jargon

Synergy. Move the needle. Buy-In. Core competency. Scalable. Best practice. Ducks in a row (hey, we like that one!) Each of these terms landed on Forbes list of The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon. But we’ve all used it at one time or another. It slips in to our subconscious and we just can’t…

How Much Does a Live Action Explainer Video Cost?

Recently, Video Brewery posted an article entitled How Much Does an Explainer Video Cost?. The post mainly dealt with animated videos and left out an explanation of the costs to make live-action explainer videos. While animation can be a highly effective use of resources, at times you just really want that live-action piece to explain your product or…

The Best Length for an Explainer Video

Like a good elevator pitch, an effective explainer video should be short. But how short? While you might only have 15-seconds in an elevator, you usually have a little more freedom when crafting your message for an online audience. And while I’ve certainly watched some longer videos that can hold my attention, too many web…

How It’s Made: Demo Duck Videos

A few weeks ago, we gave you a sneak peek at the new Demo Duck stop motion video we were working on. We recently completed the video which you can find on our homepage. We decided it would be fun to create a “how it’s made” video (partly because I love that show!) to show people what goes…

How to Create Your Own Video for Under $100

We talk to a lot of early-stage startups that would love to have a video, but just don’t have it in the budget to have something professionally made. It’s kind of a catch-22: you need a video to start selling, but you need to start selling first to afford a video. And we completely understand…

Longer Online Videos: How to Get Viewers to Stay to the End

There has been a lot written about how long a marketing video should run, but the truth is, your online video should be as long as it takes to get your message across. Now, having said that, it’s important to keep in mind some statistics that show just how consumers react to video times, and…

Legal Basics for Online Video

As video becomes increasingly popular online, it’s more important than ever to understand the legal implications of the content you publish. Make a wrong move and you can end up in court facing a copyright infringement suit with fines for damages up to $150,000. The four most common online video legal cases brought against businesses…

How to Create Video Like a Boss

Whether you’re selling, teaching or training, video is a powerful way to convey your message. Unfortunately, it’s only effective when viewers are engaged, which makes the content you create that much more important. At Demo Duck, where we build demo videos every day, we’ve come up with some best practices for creating online video which…