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How Much Does A Live Explainer Video Cost?

As business relationships continue to move to the Internet, finding new and creative ways to connect with your customers is vital. That’s partly why live explainer videos are all the rage these days (think Dollar Shave Club or Airbnb). While animated videos are great, and they serve their purpose, live explainer videos are perfect for people-oriented companies…

New Live Video: UrbanSitter

Check out our new live video for UrbanSitter! UrbanSitter is a new online resource for busy parents looking to find reliable sitters and nannies in their city. Founded by four busy parents, UrbanSitter offers all kinds of great online tools such as the ability to book a last minute job, real recommendations from parents in…

Business Jargon

Synergy. Move the needle. Buy-In. Core competency. Scalable. Best practice. Ducks in a row (hey, we like that one!) Each of these terms landed on Forbes list of The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon. But we’ve all used it at one time or another. It slips in to our subconscious and we just can’t…

Why Online Video Is Critical for Connecting with Customers

It took awhile, but it finally seems like Microsoft is developing a personality. And they’re doing it using online video. Between the new Surface ads, and their latest ad for Internet Explorer 10, “IE Sucks…Less” (below), Microsoft is successfully connecting with their customers in a meaningful way. The hilarious IE10 ad uses self deprecating humor to re-engage a…

What Airline Safety Videos Can Teach You About Capturing Attention

Attention is a precious resource, and keeping an audience captive, especially when you don’t have the sexiest product or service to work with, takes some creativity. This post will focus on how to take an ordinarily boring topic (in this case, airplane safety) and create an engaging video that holds attention and generates results. Air…

Our New Office

When I started Demo Duck 2 years ago, I was working out of my bedroom (or kitchen, couch, bathroom…wherever I wanted really). About a year later, when I hired Stephan, we moved in to a small office 30-seconds from my bedroom. It served us well (and the commute was great!) but as we continued to…

New Explainer Video: Pongo

Over the course of the presidential election, which ended last week (in case you didn’t hear), nothing seemed to be more important to voters than the economy. Finding a job is tough, fortunately Pongo helps make it a little easier. In fact, they’ve already helped 6 million people create perfectly formatted, custom resumes. Check out…

How Did We Get the Name Demo Duck?

I often get asked how I came up with the name “Demo Duck”. The story is rather dull, but I’ll tell it anyway just so it’s on the record and maybe I can avoid the question a little more. Fair warning, reading this post will most likely be an anticlimactic waste of your time. When…

New Screencast: MinuteDock

With Minute Dock, you can easily track the time you spend on projects – so you can spend more time earning, and less time tracking. To get the full scoop, watch our 60-second tutorial screencast with an awesome Kiwi voiceover! Screencast Video Transcript: We built Minute Dock so you can spend more time earning, and…