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4 Rules to Explaining What Your Company Does

Distilling your brand positioning, vision, value proposition, and core features into 90-seconds or less may seem like an impossible feat. But it’s not. Here are four rules to help you explain your company to others.

4 Steps to a Company Video Roadmap

For many companies, a single explainer video makes up the extent of their “video marketing strategy”. But like any successful marketing tactic, video should be part of a larger roadmap. Certainly time and money are contributing factors when it comes to ramping up the video production schedule, but don’t let that hold you back.

    Meet the Creative: Aaron the Motion Designer

    At Demo Duck, we work with some of the best talent around the world and we want to give readers a glimpse into who they are and share some of their knowledge and insights about creating great video.

    5 Steps to Achieving Effective Customer Based Marketing

    As a marketer, you spend hours upon hours perfecting your blog, creating the perfect ad, and planning the world’s most amazing explainer videos. You pour your heart and soul into everything that you create. You’re thrilled out of your mind to click “publish,” but here’s what happens: radio silence.