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video and more

You’ve Got Vmail – Video Email Basics

The term vmail, in the past, would have passed for an abbreviation for voicemail. But the vmail I’m referencing is an emerging method that business people and marketers are using to enhance traditional email with video. It can help to increase the impact of, interest in, and conversion rate of, their message. Take a look…

ZenCash Video Study: 74% Click Play

We recently received some great news from a client of ours. Their video is being watched and with a high amount of viewer interest, and we’ve got the data to prove it! What we can see from this chart is that 815 people viewed the page with the video on it (some more than once), and…

Web Video and Inbound Marketing

After reading through articles on Mashable, I came across a posting with this infographic. It tries to explain the rise of new marketing strategy. The new rule is that marketers must earn customer interest because people’s habits have changed. I’ll have to cast my vote as believing this. While in the 90’s I would have put up with closing…

Mobilize Your Online Video

So you’ve been thinking about mobilizing your online video. But you’re wondering how many people really watch videos on their phones, right? Great question. In a recent mobile video study, the Nielsen Company found that the number of Americans watching mobile video rose to 25 million people–representing a 41 percent increase in viewers from 2009 to 2010…

5 Tips to Get Your Video in Search Results

So you have a video and you want to post it online and get tons of hits. Sounds simple, right? Well maybe not, if you don’t already know how to get your video to show up in search results. To begin with, there are two approaches to posting vids online: Uploading your video on a…

4 Reasons Video Should be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

As children, we all enjoyed a good scary story every once in a while. I know some of my favorite tall tales were told to me in the odd smelling basement of my grandparent’s old house. When the story would end, it was a race to see who could make it up the stairs and…