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So You Have a New Explainer Video, Now What?

So you finally have your video and you think to yourself, “Ok now what do I do with it?” Questions come up like, “How do I pick a video host? How do I make sure people see it? How do I track results?” If these are some of your questions, don’t worry – we’ve got […]

How it’s Made: Explainer Videos

So you’ve just signed on for the great adventure of making an explainer video, or maybe you’re still on the hunt for the right company to work with and you’re wondering, “How does this thing work?” or “How is an explainer video made?”

Introducing Demo Duck Video Blogs

Late last year we thought to ourselves: “We’re a video company… why are we bothering with boring old-fashioned written blogs when we can do VIDEO BLOGS?!” Video Blogs (or vlogs, as the kids are calling them these days) are a unique to way to share information with subscribers. So, after many, many days of brainstorming we came…