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Sneak Peek: Demo Duck Stop Motion Video

Last week we spent a few days creating a stop motion video to replace the video on our homepage. We wanted something that better reflects what we do and how we work. We ended up with over a hundred individual assets, each printed and cut out by hand. Each frame of the video was captured…

Is HTML5 the Future of Online Video? It Could Happen.

Imagine the future of online streaming videos delivered to standard browsers as a pure HTML 5 web application. But go further, and picture in your head those same applications delivered not only to computers, but mobile and tablet devices as well—without having to worry about a lot of special coding. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is…

How to Create Your Own Video for Under $100

We talk to a lot of early-stage startups that would love to have a video, but just don’t have it in the budget to have something professionally made. It’s kind of a catch-22: you need a video to start selling, but you need to start selling first to afford a video. And we completely understand…

Why I Love Online Video

I love watching videos just about as much as I love creating them (if you haven’t checked it out already, stop by Startup Videos, they post some of the best explainer videos around). They’re fun to watch, they keep me engaged, and a lot of times, they make me laugh. And what’s even better, online…

4 Reasons Why an Explainer Video Will Smoke Your Elevator Pitch

Quick—tell me what your company does in one sentence. Oh yeah, it had better be good, or I’ll forget what you said in about three seconds. That’s the concept behind elevator pitches—the ability to sum up what your business does quickly and succinctly. But in reality, elevator pitches haven’t exactly pushed businesses to the goal…

Three Things to Do Before You Send out Your First Video Email

It’s one thing to get an email, but quite another to get an email that includes an exciting video, and that’s what’s behind all of the buzz about email video marketing. The thinking goes something like this: if you can grab a potential customer’s attention with words, imagine what you could do with video. And…

Longer Online Videos: How to Get Viewers to Stay to the End

There has been a lot written about how long a marketing video should run, but the truth is, your online video should be as long as it takes to get your message across. Now, having said that, it’s important to keep in mind some statistics that show just how consumers react to video times, and…

You’ve Got Vmail – Video Email Basics

The term vmail, in the past, would have passed for an abbreviation for voicemail. But the vmail I’m referencing is an emerging method that business people and marketers are using to enhance traditional email with video. It can help to increase the impact of, interest in, and conversion rate of, their message. Take a look…

Study Shows Execs Embrace Online Video

In a recent study by Forbes, researchers found that a surprising number of C-level executives are embracing online video. Almost 60% said they prefer to watch a video before reading text, and 65% end up visiting a vendors website after viewing. We were surprised to read that although 37% prefer videos between 1-3 minutes, a…

Hot and Fresh, Free Samples!

We just finished a couple more excellent videos here at Demo Duck and wanted to share them with you! First we’ve got Junk My Car. They’re a great company that helps get rid of your unwanted vehicles. This video was illustrated and animated by one of the newer members of our team, Amy, and it…