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Three Things to Do Before You Send out Your First Video Email

It’s one thing to get an email, but quite another to get an email that includes an exciting video, and that’s what’s behind all of the buzz about email video marketing. The thinking goes something like this: if you can grab a potential customer’s attention with words, imagine what you could do with video. And…

Longer Online Videos: How to Get Viewers to Stay to the End

There has been a lot written about how long a marketing video should run, but the truth is, your online video should be as long as it takes to get your message across. Now, having said that, it’s important to keep in mind some statistics that show just how consumers react to video times, and…

You’ve Got Vmail – Video Email Basics

The term vmail, in the past, would have passed for an abbreviation for voicemail. But the vmail I’m referencing is an emerging method that business people and marketers are using to enhance traditional email with video. It can help to increase the impact of, interest in, and conversion rate of, their message. Take a look…

Study Shows Execs Embrace Online Video

In a recent study by Forbes, researchers found that a surprising number of C-level executives are embracing online video. Almost 60% said they prefer to watch a video before reading text, and 65% end up visiting a vendors website after viewing. We were surprised to read that although 37% prefer videos between 1-3 minutes, a…

Hot and Fresh, Free Samples!

We just finished a couple more excellent videos here at Demo Duck and wanted to share them with you! First we’ve got Junk My Car. They’re a great company that helps get rid of your unwanted vehicles. This video was illustrated and animated by one of the newer members of our team, Amy, and it…

ZenCash Video Study: 74% Click Play

We recently received some great news from a client of ours. Their video is being watched and with a high amount of viewer interest, and we’ve got the data to prove it! What we can see from this chart is that 815 people viewed the page with the video on it (some more than once), and…

Web Video and Inbound Marketing

After reading through articles on Mashable, I came across a posting with this infographic. It tries to explain the rise of new marketing strategy. The new rule is that marketers must earn customer interest because people’s habits have changed. I’ll have to cast my vote as believing this. While in the 90’s I would have put up with closing…

Technori Pitch Event

On Tuesday the 25th I was lucky enough to get tickets to the sold-out October Technori Pitch, an event in Chicago which gives exposure to area start-ups both new and old. Six out of the seven presenting start-ups were launching that day, so the emphasis was on new ideas , whether they be mobile apps, consumer…

The Fall Update

It’s hard to believe September is already coming to a close, and winter is right around the corner. For those of us here in Chicago, the sentiment is bittersweet. Despite the onset of cold and snow, it feels like Spring at Demo Duck. Things are growing and we’re adding new videos and talent each week (check…

Legal Basics for Online Video

As video becomes increasingly popular online, it’s more important than ever to understand the legal implications of the content you publish. Make a wrong move and you can end up in court facing a copyright infringement suit with fines for damages up to $150,000. The four most common online video legal cases brought against businesses…